Clinic Protocols
Patient Arrival Protocol
- Patient will arrive to an open gate.
- Patient will knock on the door no earlier than 5 minutes to the treatment time.
- Therapist will greet patient and if not already wearing a mask - will ask the patient if they need one from our office supply.
- Patient will be given an opportunity to sanitize hands.
- Therapist will wash hands with soap and water
- Once entered into the treatment room, the Patient shall maintain distance while giving their subjective health history.
- Patient may keep their personal items on their chair, or on the plastic mat provided.
- Communication will occur about what the Patient has decided to seek Massage Therapy for. Therapist will maintain distance at the opposite end of the room.
- The Therapist - with expressed verbal consent from the Patient - may ask to do an initial scan exam by palpating the Patient's body over top of their clothing as to gather more clinical findings to create an appropriate treatment plan.
- Therapist will hand over the iPad so that the Patient may fill any forms if necessary.
- Therapist will leave the room to chart the clinical findings and give time for the Patient to undress.
Treatment Protocol
- Upon re-entry to the room to begin the treatment, the therapist will adjust the table, face cradle, pillows, heating pad, & draping (if necessary)
- Patient has the option at any time to ask questions about anything during their time at Heart in Hands.
- Patient may ask at any time that the therapist don any further PPE that is available. Including but not limited to - lab coat, gloves, scrub cap, or eye wear.
- Patient may ask at any time to use any available PPE for themselves.
- Patient has the option to uncover face while laying face down, then reapply face mask when face up. Best practices include the use of sanitizer before and after touching a mask.
After Treatment Protocol
- Therapist will use a tissue to open the door while exiting the room.
- The therapist immediately washes all surfaces of hands and arms that were used to contact patient and begins charting the treatment on the clinic iPad.
- Patient may advise therapist that they are ready to come out so that the therapist may open the door for them . OR the patient may choose to use a tissue provided to self open the door.
- Payment will be taken or discussed.
- Receipt will be emailed upon payment.
- Patient will sanitize hands before leaving.
- Therapist will open front door if the situation allows for social distancing to take place. Otherwise the patient will be allowed to open door.
Cleaning Protocol
There will be a HEPA UV disinfecting air filter, and an air purifier running throughout the duration of the work day.
Safe practice, as always mandates frequent and proper hand washing between every patient. That means after a massage, before touching a patient, after a cough, sneeze, touch of the face, after using chemicals, after donning and doffing PPE, and after touching any other items and surfaces within the potentially contaminated area of the clinic.
Once the patient has left, the sanitization of the clinical space begins. The therapist will:
Cleaning Agents:
Safe practice, as always mandates frequent and proper hand washing between every patient. That means after a massage, before touching a patient, after a cough, sneeze, touch of the face, after using chemicals, after donning and doffing PPE, and after touching any other items and surfaces within the potentially contaminated area of the clinic.
Once the patient has left, the sanitization of the clinical space begins. The therapist will:
- Put all items to be laundered into the sealed laundry bin
- Disinfect all contaminated surfaces.
Cleaning Agents:
- Spray 9 - EPA # 6659-3. Active ingredient - Quaternary Ammonium. Contact time: 30sec.
- 40mL Bleach : 1L Water. Active Ingredient - Sodium Hypochlorite. Contact time: 10min.
- Salt Spring Soapworks
- Non scented Tide or Gain Laundry Detergent
- Bona - Hard surface Floor Cleaner. EPA# 85837-4-91861
- Hand Sanitizer - Isopropyl Alcohol. No additives.
Treatment Room
All one time use items are either thrown into the garbage or returned to the sealed laundry bin to be sanitized at the end of the work day. All surfaces that have been contaminated after each treatment are sanitized before the next person arrives
Cleaned regularly
To be cleaned after every 2-3 people
To be cleaned with Hand Sanitizer:
All one time use items are either thrown into the garbage or returned to the sealed laundry bin to be sanitized at the end of the work day. All surfaces that have been contaminated after each treatment are sanitized before the next person arrives
Cleaned regularly
To be cleaned after every 2-3 people
To be cleaned with Hand Sanitizer:
- Hands, iPad.